
Oil and gas reservoirs   (KWFELD)

This topic shows the outlines of oil and gas reservoirs in line with current geological knowledge.

Oil and gas reservoirs are economically exploitable, natural accumulations of oil and/or gas, sometimes together with other hydrocarbons, in reservoir rocks.

The oil and gas reservoir outlines in the dataset represent boundaries which can be of a highly variable nature: in a simple case they are the interfaces between the oil or gas accumulation and the adjoining aquifer (known as the oil or gas-water-contact). In other geological situations the boundaries also can be formed completely or in part by the spatially variable rock properties or tectonic structures, such as faults or discordances. Moreover, for a number of reasons the geological structure of a reservoir is not always known in sufficient detail to precisely identify ist boundaries beyond doubt. In these cases the boundaries were estimated to the best of our knowledge for this dataset, for example by consulting known gas or oil down-to(s) or estimates of the reservoir regions drained by production.

Moreover, the reservoir boundaries are subject to temporal variability, which begins with the commencement of production and the associated extraction of the oil or gas. This dataset reflects, with a few exceptions, the initial reservoir outlines; that is, the outlines encountered at the beginning of production.

In addition to geological boundaries, the dataset may include boundaries with an administrative background, e.g. for delineating reservoir regions operated by different companies.

The dataset is based on structural geology map of the reservoirs, regularly submitted to LBEG by the respective operating companies as part of their reporting on mining activities. The scale of these structural maps depends on the size of the respective reservoir and is generally between 1 : 10 000 and 1 : 50 000. This dataset is therefore unsuitable for larger scale applications. Because LBEG has no structural maps for a few small, abandoned reservoirs, the reservoir outlines in these cases were estimated using a radius laid over the respective production wells.

Cumulative production volumes refer to the 31. December of the previous year. The data is updated in the 3. or 4. month of a year.

If the production volumes are summarized for a state (e. g. Lower Saxony), the resulting sums show slight differences to the sums reported in the annual report ‘Erdöl und Erdgas in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland’ published by the LBEG. This is due to the fact that the annual report additionally includes production volumes of tested wells that did not lead to the development of a field. Also, the annual report uses a certain ratio to split the production of the trans-border oilfield Sinstorf between the states of Lower Saxony and Hamburg.

Informations about data

Deutschland Übersichtskarte mit Position
Aktuelle Position

  • Editing state: continuous updating (onGoing).
  • Date of last change: 14.08.2023
  • Date of last publication: 01.08.2011
  • Date of creation: 01.08.2011
  • Information about data origin:

    An Datengrundlagen sind eingegangen:

    - Die Grundlage für den Datensatz bilden geologische Strukturkarten (bzw. geologische Risse) von den Lagerstätten, die dem LBEG von den jeweiligen Betreiberfirmen im Rahmen ihrer Berichterstattung über ihre bergbaulichen Aktivitäten regelmäßig übermittelt werden (Übermittlung des geologischen Risses im Rahmen des Risswerkes nach §63 BBergG).

    - Da dem LBEG für einige wenige kleine, bereits aufgegebene Lagerstätten keine Strukturkarten vorliegen, wurden in diesen Fällen die Umrisse der Lagerstätte über einen Schlagkreis abgeschätzt, der um die entsprechenden Förderbohrung(en) gelegt wurde.

Contact person

Phone:   +49 511 643-3610
Fax:   +49 511 643-533610

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Online access to data

To access the data online you can use the following applications/services:

Distribution information

Common informations (order proccess, product choise, prices):

Kostenfreier Download über den NIBIS-Kartenserver oder Kosten über den Datenvertrieb des LBEG entsprechend der Gebührenordnung

Data formats

  • ArcGIS-Shapefile  ( Version:   unknown)
  • ArcGIS-Shapefile  ( Version:   unknown)
  • JPEG  ( Version:   unknown)
  • PDF  ( Version:   unknown)
  • TIFF  ( Version:   unknown)

Data medium

  • CD-ROM (cdRom)
  • Ausdruck (hardcopy)
  • DVD (dvd)

Distribution contact

Phone:   +49 511 643-3354
Fax:   +49 511 643-533354

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Additional information about the data

  • Format of data: digitale Karte in Raster- oder Vektorform (mapDigital)
  • Topic: Wirtschaft (economy)
  • Key words: opendata, inspireidentifiziert, sgd_Rohstoff, NIBIS-Metadaten, opendata
  • Key words GEMET: Mineral resources
  • Thesaurus name: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
  • Thesaurus date of puplication: 2008-06-01
  • Geometry type: Fläche (surface)
  • Coordinate system: 4647; ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (zE-N) (Europäisches Terrestrisches Referenzsystem von 1989 / Universale Transversale Mercatorabbildung Zone 32N)
  • Altitude reference system: DE_DHHN92_NH
  • Reference layer: Datenbestand (dataset )
  • Language: ger
  • Character set: utf8

Access- and security restrictions

  • Security classification: unbeschränkt (unclassified)
  • Restriction of application: Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen.

Information about content (auto detected)

  • Amount datasets/features: 296
  • Spacial notation: vector
  • Eastern longitude: 2.5414   to   12.1337
  • Northern latitude: 51.1114   to   56.0806

*1EPSG codes are used to combine transformation parameters.   More information  ...

About this data description

  • Metadata standard: Standard   ISO 19115 ,  version   ISO 19115:2003/Cor. 1:2006 (E)
  • Metadata status: 10.12.2024
  • Metadata language: ger
  • Metadata character code: utf8

Metadata contact

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304