
Permanent soil monitoring areas on forestry sites   (BDFSF)

It has long been known that soils alter more or less quickly with time. Some of these changes have natural causes, others are the result of soil contamination, caused either directly or indirectly by humans. They include load inputs from precipitation and particulates (acids, nutrients, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic pollutants, etc.), for example. However, as a result of cultivation and exploitation, agriculture and forestry have also altered soils since time immemorial. The vast majority of these processes are very slow and are barely perceptible to human senses.

In order to document any alterations, LBEG runs the Lower Saxony permanent soil monitoring programme. In cooperation with other state agencies, a network of what are referred to as permanent soil monitoring sites (Boden-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen - BDF), 90 in total, was established. Seventy are located on normal agricultural sites (BDF-L) and twenty on forestry sites (BDF-F).

Representative permanent soil monitoring sites (BDF) were selected using geoscientific criteria such as soil and rock relationships, climate and morphology. Moreover, LBEG took typical soil uses (agriculture and forestry, nature conservation areas) and stress factors (immissions, use-related stresses, etc.) into consideration.

The aim is to disclose any soil changes, based on these representatively selected monitoring sites, to evaluate causes and effects, and to predict future developments. If this can be achieved players in politics, administration and soil use will have a timely, reliable data basis to support their decision-making processes.

The BDF-F programme consists of a combination of feature and process documentation. Documentation of features includes the periodic identification of reserves and conditions using physical, chemical and biological soil investigations, surveys of biomass and its substance content, appraisal of forest conditions by crown inventories and needle/leaf analyses, as well as ground vegetation surveys. Processes are documented by measuring fluxes at and across the ecosystem boundaries.

In forest ecosystems deposition, release by weathering, take-up in biomass and removal by infiltrating water represent important fluxes for many elements. In addition, litter and physico-chemical environmental variables (immissions, meteorology) are also measured to appraise forest ecosystem stress situations (source: Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt).

Similar programmes exist in other states; their scope is coordinated among the participating institutions. A corresponding European Union framework directive is in preparation.

Informations about data

Deutschland Übersichtskarte mit Position
Aktuelle Position

  • Editing state: continuous updating (onGoing).
  • Date of last publication: 01.01.2009
  • Information about data origin:

    An Datengrundlagen sind eingegangen:

    - Boden- und Gesteinsverhältnisse

    - Klima und Morphologie

    Darüber hinaus berücksichtigte das LBEG:

    - typische Bodennutzungen (Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Naturschutzflächen) und

    - Belastungsfaktoren (Immissionen, nutzungsbedingte Belastungen etc.).

Contact person

Phone:   +49 511 643-3457
Fax:   +49 511 643-533457

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt
Grätzelstr. 2
37079  Göttingen (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 551 69401-0
Fax: +49 551 69401-160

Online access to data

To access the data online you can use the following applications/services:

Distribution information

Common informations (order proccess, product choise, prices):

Kostenfreier Download über den NIBIS-Kartenserver oder Kosten über den Datenvertrieb des LBEG entsprechend der Gebührenordnung

Distribution contact

Phone:   +49 511 643-3354
Fax:   +49 511 643-533354

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Additional information about the data

  • Format of data: digitale Karte in Raster- oder Vektorform (mapDigital)
  • Topic: Geowissenschaften (geoscientificInformation)
  • Key words: NIBIS-Metadaten, opendata
  • Key words GEMET: Soil
  • Thesaurus name: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
  • Thesaurus date of puplication: 2008-06-01
  • Geometry type: Punkt (point)
  • Coordinate system: 4647; ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (zE-N) (Europäisches Terrestrisches Referenzsystem von 1989 / Universale Transversale Mercatorabbildung Zone 32N)
  • Altitude reference system: DE_DHHN92_NH
  • Reference layer: Datenbestand (dataset )
  • Language: ger
  • Character set: utf8

Access- and security restrictions

  • Security classification: unbeschränkt (unclassified)
  • Restriction of application: Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen.

Information about content (auto detected)

  • Amount datasets/features: 20
  • Spacial notation: vector
  • Eastern longitude: 6.5713   to   11.6504
  • Northern latitude: 51.2718   to   53.939

*1EPSG codes are used to combine transformation parameters.   More information  ...

About this data description

  • Metadata standard: Standard   ISO 19115 ,  version   ISO 19115:2003/Cor. 1:2006 (E)
  • Metadata status: 10.12.2024
  • Metadata language: ger
  • Metadata character code: utf8

Metadata contact

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304