
Generalised soil scientific map of Lower Saxony and Bremen 1 : 500 000   (BUEK500)

The most important soil types and their assemblages are represented in the generalised soil map at a scale of 1 : 500 000 (BÜK500), based on soil units, major soil units and soil regions.

The spatial distribution of soils is generally manifested as a small-scale mosaic with a wide variety of features and properties. This distribution can generally only be represented as an assemblage of soils, even at large-scales. The pedoregional divisions provide the framework for systematic structuring of spatial soil relationships. The soil regions and major soil units give an overview of the soil scientific divisions within the state and form the upper level of Lower Saxony's pedoregional structuring.

The distribution of soils in Lower Saxony is not merely random. It can be easily seen that the soils in the flat marsh landscapes differ fundamentally to those of the Geest (glaciofluviatile sandy deposits in North West Germany), the mountain foothills, mountainous regions or the low mountain ranges (Harz). The soils and soil assemblages in the flat marsh landscapes find no correspondence in the Geest, the mountain foothills, mountainous regions or the low mountain ranges (Harz). The categories listed here therefore also describe large and important soil scientific structures and are referred to as Lower Saxony's soil regions. Within these soil regions, increasingly homogeneous soil areas can be formed by filtering for geofactors (bedrock, relief, water balance, climate). Large-scale soil unit divisions follow geological and geomorphological structures. In the Geest, they are generally based on the sequence in the glacial series and maritime-continental climate change. In the foothills, loess-free and loess-covered large-scale landscapes of variable relief (flat to wavy, hilly) are differentiated. The major soil units in the mountainous region are differentiated by their relief. The soil regions in the low mountains and the coastal area are not divided into large-scale soil units.

Informations about data

Deutschland Übersichtskarte mit Position
Aktuelle Position

  • Editing state: Erfassung bzw. Erstellung der Daten ist abgeschlossen (completed).
  • Date of last publication: 01.01.1999
  • Information about data origin:

    An Datengrundlagen sind eingegangen:

    - Bodenübersichtskarte 1:50 000

    - Schema zur inhaltlichen und räumlichen Aggregierung

    Die Karten der Bodenregionen und Bodengroßlandschaften sind als direkte Ableitung aus der BÜK 50 realisiert und damit auch in der mittleren Maßstabebene verfügbar.

Contact person

Phone:   +49 511 643-3597
Fax:   +49 511 643-533597

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Phone:   +49 511 643-3597
Fax:   +49 511 643-533597

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Online access to data

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Distribution information

Common informations (order proccess, product choise, prices):

Kostenfreier Download über den NIBIS-Kartenserver oder Kosten über den Datenvertrieb des LBEG entsprechend der Gebührenordnung

Data formats

  • ArcGIS-Shapefile  ( Version:   unknown)
  • JPEG  ( Version:   unknown)
  • PDF  ( Version:   unknown)
  • TIFF  ( Version:   unknown)

Data medium

  • CD-ROM (cdRom)
  • Ausdruck (hardcopy)
  • DVD (dvd)

Distribution contact

Phone:   +49 511 643-3354
Fax:   +49 511 643-533354

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304

Additional information about the data

  • Format of data: digitale Karte in Raster- oder Vektorform (mapDigital)
  • Topic: Geowissenschaften (geoscientificInformation)
  • Key words: NIBIS-Metadaten, opendata, inspireidentifiziert, sgd_Boden, opendata
  • Key words GEMET: Soil
  • Thesaurus name: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
  • Thesaurus date of puplication: 2008-06-01
  • Coordinate system: 4647; ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (zE-N) (Europäisches Terrestrisches Referenzsystem von 1989 / Universale Transversale Mercatorabbildung Zone 32N)
  • Altitude reference system: DE_DHHN92_NH
  • Reference layer: Datenbestand (dataset )
  • Language: ger
  • Character set: utf8

Access- and security restrictions

  • Security classification: unbeschränkt (unclassified)
  • Restriction of application: Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen.

Information about content (auto detected)

  • Amount datasets/features: 6540
  • Spacial notation: vector
  • Eastern longitude: 6.5475   to   11.7416
  • Northern latitude: 51.225   to   53.9343

*1EPSG codes are used to combine transformation parameters.   More information  ...

About this data description

  • Metadata standard: Standard   ISO 19115 ,  version   ISO 19115:2003/Cor. 1:2006 (E)
  • Metadata status: 10.12.2024
  • Metadata language: ger
  • Metadata character code: utf8

Metadata contact

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 511 643-0
Fax: +49 511 643-2304