
Geological map of Lower Saxony, 1 : 25 000 - Base map   (GK25)

The 1 : 25 000 (GK25) geological map of Lower Saxony provides information on the distribution, consistence and sequence of rocks to a depth of two metres below ground. Additionally, information on the continuation of these consolidated rock sequences at greater depth can generally be derived.

The stratigraphy (age) and genesis (method of formation and / or development) are shown and described for each geological unit in the map and in the corresponding description. In addition, the descriptions include information on the primary and secondary petrographic constituents (rock consistence), and on the lime and humus content of the individual layers. All units identified and numbered in the map are described using the abbreviations of the Symbolschlüssel Geologie (PREUSS et al. 1991).

Representation of the geological conditions in the base map is subject to certain rules. Rock strata at least two metres thick and exposed at the surface are designated by a colour fill, and by hatched shading where several layers are superimposed. Horizontal hatching marks stratigraphic sequences comprising only unconsolidated rock, oblique hatching signifies unconsolidated strata overlying consolidated rock. Widely spaced hatching indicates rock exposed at the surface; underlying strata are marked by narrower hatching. Both fill and hatching colours indicate the respective rock type. The original distribution of the rocks is shown in order to emphasise the natural geological conditions in densely built-up areas, even though they may be modified as a result of anthropogenic activity (e.g. made ground).

The GK 25 is available in two versions with differing accuracy: either as a detailed map (special mapping) or as a generalised map (manuscript map).

The 1 : 25 000 generalised maps (TK25 map sheets) were utilised to compile the 1 : 200 000 (GÜK 200) generalised maps and are already almost completely generalised for the GÜK 200 target scale. Map compilation was fairly quick (generally a few weeks to months), leading a rather low spatial resolution.

The edges of the individual GK25s are not generally matched to the neighbouring sheets. The result can be what are referred to as sheet edge dislocations. The main reasons for this are the different times at which the individual geological maps were compiled (e.g. one sheet in 1929, the neighbouring sheet not until 1985) and that detailed and generalised mapping were performed on adjacent sheet areas, so that matching the sheet edges is not possible due to the different compilation detail.

It is currently not possible to revise all geological maps at this scale.

Informations about data

Deutschland Übersichtskarte mit Position
Aktuelle Position

  • Editing state: Erfassung bzw. Erstellung der Daten ist abgeschlossen (completed).
  • Date of last publication: 01.01.1991
  • Date of creation: 01.01.1991
  • Information about data origin:

    An Datengrundlagen sind eingegangen:

    - Ergebnisse der geologischen Kartierung im Maßstab 1:25 000

    - Schichtenverzeichnisse aus der Bohrdatenbank Niedersachsen

    - Kartierergebnisse Dritter, u.a. in Form von Berichten, Projektarbeiten, Dipl.-Kartierungen, Dipl.-Arbeiten

Contact person

Phone:   +49 (0)511-643-3161
Fax:   +49 (0)511-643-534015

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 (0)511-643-0
Fax: +49 (0)511-643-2304

Online access to data

To access the data online you can use the following applications/services:

Distribution information

Common informations (order proccess, product choise, prices):

Kostenfreier Download über den NIBIS-Kartenserver oder Kosten über den Datenvertrieb des LBEG entsprechend der Gebührenordnung

Data formats

  • ArcGIS-Shapefile  ( Version:   unknown)
  • JPEG  ( Version:   )
  • PDF  ( Version:   unknown)
  • TIFF  ( Version:   unknown)

Data medium

  • CD-ROM (cdRom)
  • Ausdruck (hardcopy)
  • DVD (dvd)

Distribution contact

Phone:   +49 (0)511-643-3354
Fax:   +49 (0)511-643-533354

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 (0)511-643-0
Fax: +49 (0)511-643-2304

Additional information about the data

  • Format of data: digitale Karte in Raster- oder Vektorform (mapDigital)
  • Topic: Geowissenschaften (geoscientificInformation)
  • Key words: NIBIS-Metadaten, opendata
  • Key words GEMET: Geology
  • Thesaurus name: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
  • Thesaurus date of puplication: 2008-06-01
  • Geometry type: Fläche (surface)
  • Scale: 1:25000
  • Coordinate system: 4647; ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N (zE-N) (Europäisches Terrestrisches Referenzsystem von 1989 / Universale Transversale Mercatorabbildung Zone 32N)
  • Altitude reference system: DE_DHHN92_NH
  • Reference layer: Datenbestand (dataset )
  • Language: ger
  • Character set: utf8

Access- and security restrictions

  • Security classification: unbeschränkt (unclassified)
  • Restriction of application: Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen.

Information about content (auto detected)

  • Amount datasets/features: keine Angabe
  • Spacial notation: vector
  • Eastern longitude: 6.5475   to   11.7416
  • Northern latitude: 51.225   to   53.9343

*1EPSG codes are used to combine transformation parameters.   More information  ...

About this data description

  • Metadata standard: Standard   ISO 19115 ,  version   ISO 19115:2003/Cor. 1:2006 (E)
  • Metadata status: 27.11.2024
  • Metadata language: ger
  • Metadata character code: utf8

Metadata contact

Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
Stilleweg 2
30655  Hannover (Niedersachsen)
Fon: +49 (0)511-643-0
Fax: +49 (0)511-643-2304